okay, so we all know we "are what we eat," but do we really?
close your eyes and think about that for a moment.
do you have any idea what truly exists in that bread you just ate? what about your water? (this is a biggie! considering our bodies are made of mostly water!) how much refined sugar do you eat in a year? reading labels is fascinating...how tricky they are isn't hard to catch! it is a personal battle that began when i discovered 3 forms of sugar, labeled as separate entities, but as a whole they became the main ingredient. how do bpa's affect you? what is dextrose? why would you eat something that had a warning label "contains phenylethylemines." (I don't really know how to spell it...and I have no clue what it is, but I see others eating and drinking things that contain it.) why are so many things we eat processed with formaldehyde and other chemicals? why aren't all farms organic? people, we spray poison on our fruits and veggies! and this poison in turn gets into the water on earth...and it is all connected! why is there dye in everything? EVERYTHING...and why are these things banned in other countries? start reading...start questioning...find the answers, or just change!!
why do they line cans with plastic?
why do people use microwaves?
why do we drink bottled water?
why do we bother with pre- packaged foods?
why do fast food restaurants exist?
why does the majority of our diet come from death?
the milk is dead, eggs are dead, bread is dead, juice is dead, the oils are dead, animal products...uh, and cooked vegetables are dead... and all are devoid of proper nutrition.
This is just the tip of the ice burg.
I didn't understand. I don't understand. I never will understand, why. What I do know is, I am tired of being tired, fat, unsure, uninformed, and unhealthy. I was tired of being a sheep...
So start looking around, be a food sleuth...question and think about all of the above.
tomorrow...the next step!
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