Thursday, September 22, 2011

doubt and Muffins

Vegan muffins are delicious... Seriously, I had my doubts...I found a recipe on line and used honey instead of sugar, wheat flour-flax seeds and wheat germ instead of white flour and more nuts raisins and bananna than they ask for, (as always, I freestyle,) and they were FABULOUS.  I'll post my favorite recipe someday...but now I am going to pack!

here we go

So...I am going on a trip.  On a boat...this ought to be interesting!  I am thinking that I'll bring my blender, but I'm not sure if it'll work!!! Fresh produce and boats...hmmmm
We are going to cruise the inside passage along the panhandle of Alaska down to

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I think it's the rain

I swear, as I wrote that title, the sun came out...what does that mean?!

This entry is in honor of Kodiak's Farmers far as I know  the last one will take place this Saturday at the fairground gazebo-thing from 10am-12...end plug....back to Ode...

I will miss you, oh fair, fair market... with your knotty rutabagas and leafy green gargantuan, your ever changing face of bounty, the mix of strangers, visitors, vendors, and

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

falling from raw

So this is a journey...and this week I fell into the crackers and gouda...literally!  When the weather turns to pureedpottedmeatproduct in kodiak ak, like it always does, I get ravenous for

Sunday, September 4, 2011

eat it with a spoon best chocolate"caramel" sauce EVER!!!

So late last night I wanted chocolate and I usually make this recipe with a lot of cacao powder, but I didn't this time and WOW was it delicious!!!